Relationship between C3 and C4 in peritoneal fluid with pelvic adhesion 腹腔液补体C3、C4水平与盆腔粘连相关性研究
Randomized trials have shown that adhesiolysis is ineffective in improving outcome of treatment of pelvic pain, possibly because of adhesion reformation, thus it is the key to prevent adhesions. 随机试验显示粘连松解术并不能有效治疗盆腔疼痛,可能与术后再粘连的形成有关,因此预防粘连的形成最为关键。
During the operation a low pressure pneumoperitoneum ( 7~ 8 mmHg) was required in 10 cases because of severe pelvic adhesion, while the gasless laparoscopy was successfully completed in 49 cases. 10例因盆腔粘连较重术中辅以低压气腹(压力7-8mmHg),余49例均在非气腹腹腔镜下完成。
The injury usually happened at the pelvic pathologic adhesion caused by inflammation, tumor invasion, pelvic endometriosis, old ectopic pregnancy, giant tumor impression, and abnormal anatomy. 损伤多发生在肿瘤浸润、盆腔子宫内膜异位症、炎症等病变造成盆腔粘连,巨大肿瘤压迫以及术中解剖关系不清时。
Objective: To explore the effect of derivative chitosan on the prevention of post-surgical pelvic and abdominal adhesion in gynecology. 目的:探讨几丁糖衍生物对妇科术后腹盆腔粘连的预防作用和机制。
An experimental study has been made on the effect of Superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and catalase in lessening the adhesion formation in pelvic adhesion animal model. 实验观察了SOD和过氧化氢酶对大鼠盆腔粘连模型抗粘连形成的效应。
Laparoscopy was again performed in the 2 monkeys with endometriosis 4 months after the operation, showing pelvic adhesion and growth of ectopic endometrium similar to the changes as observed two months after the operation. 术后第4个月,对2只已形成EM的猕猴行腹腔镜再次探查,其盆腔粘连,异位内膜生长情况与术后第2个月基本相似;
On CT scans, the inflammatory infiltration of adnexal abscesses involved pelvic structure included adhesion with borders of uterus in 9 patients, adhesion with rectal or sigmoid in 4 patients and pelvic wall or bowel loop in 3 patients. CT观察到脓肿与盆腔结构粘连包括肿块与子宫粘连者9例,与直肠、乙状结肠粘连者4例,与盆腔小肠肠管及盆壁结构广泛粘连3例;
Conclusion: Severe pelvic adhesion, abnormal location of tumors and serious bleeding are the major factors significantly influencing the operations. 结论:严重盆腔粘连、瘤体位置异常、术中大量出血对手术有明显的影响。
METHODS: Soluble gauze with reptilase was locally applied to 30 repeated cesarean section patients with serious abdominal and pelvic adhesion for compression hemostasis. 方法30例再次剖宫产病例均有盆腹腔严重粘连,局部应用浸有注射用血凝酶的可溶性纱布压迫止血。
[ Results] Pelvic adhesion and oviductal obstruction are the most important reasons of acquired infertility. 结果盆腔粘连、输卵管梗阻为继发不孕的主要原因;
Clinical Monitoring and Application of TVS in the Therapy of Infertility Caused by Pelvic Adhesion 阴道超声监测用于盆腔粘连致不孕症治疗的临床观察
Methods: Rats of pelvic adhesion model were divided into two groups, i. 方法:将盆腔粘连模型大鼠分为结扎宁胶囊给药组与未给药组。
Objective To survey the ultrasonic findings in pelvic cavity adhesion after caesarean section, so as to further recognize the characteristics of the disease. 目的观察分析剖宫产术后盆腔粘连的声像图特点,以提高对本病超声表现的认识。
We insist on the pelvic cavity adhesion is still the chief cause of infertility after recanalization and still need other kind of treatment. 我们认为输卵管再通后盆腔粘连仍然是不孕的主要原因,应采取不同的方法解决。
Patients have uterine fibroids associated with severe pelvic adhesion, even if intraoperative release of the adhesions, the pregnancy rate was still not associated with severe postoperative adhesions significantly reduced the population. 6. 子宫肌瘤合并严重盆腔粘连的患者,即使术中松解了粘连,术后妊娠率仍较无合并严重粘连的人群大大降低。
In primarily infertility, pelvic endometriosis is the most important cause while pelvic adhesion in secondary infertility. 在原发不孕症中,盆腔子宫内膜异位症占首位;在继发不孕症中,盆腔粘连占首位。
It was possibly because of the severe pelvic adhesion postoperatively. Objective: To investigate preliminarily the health safety of the offspring delivered following naturally getting pregnant after the orthotopic fetal ovarian allotransplantation in rats. 目的:初步探讨大鼠胚胎卵巢原位移植术后自然生育的子代的健康安全性问题。
The ovarian reserve function in patients with severe pelvic adhesion can be improved after laparoscopic operation. 盆腔重度粘连行腹腔镜手术后卵巢储备功能能有所恢复。